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Format JSON in different flavors.


  • Format as JSON or JavaScript, either compact or indented
  • Highlight nodes by changing the output on render


$ yarn add @gera2ld/format-json


import { format, ItemTypes } from '@gera2ld/format-json';

const data = {/* … */};
const jsonOptions = {
indent: 0,
quoteAsNeeded: false,
quote: '"',
trailing: false,
template: false,
console.log('format as JSON:', format(data, jsonOptions));

const jsOptions = {
indent: 2,
quoteAsNeeded: true,
quote: '\'',
trailing: true,
template: true,
console.log('format as JavaScript', format(data, jsOptions));

const highlightOptions = {
onData(item) {
// if the property name is 'highlight', wrap it with `<em>...</em>`
if (item.path[item.path.length - 1] === 'highlight' && item.type === ItemTypes.KEY) {
item.data = [
{ value: '<em>' },
{ value: '</em>' },
console.log('highlight values', format(data, highlightOptions));

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